Programming Fundamentals

John Fitzgerald (labs), Dr. Siobhan Drohan (lectures). Creative Commons License

Brief overview of course content with an introduction to BlueJ (IDE), Java, Pseudocode and Algorithms

Classes and objects

We introduce classes, objects, methods, parameters, variables, data types, files in java and the JVM

Deeper with classes and objects

We continue our exploration of classes and objects and introduce method signatures, return types, class naming conventions and access modifiers

Understanding class definitions

In this presentation we continue exploring elements of classes and the Java language including how source code is written and presented. We also introduce conditional statements, which offer choices between different actions as the program executes.

Ticket machine

We examine some of the components of the ticket machine program. We look at some further elements of the Java language such as local variables and scope, operators, parameters and comments.

Abstraction & modularization

Abstraction means ignoring details for the moment and concentrating on the problem at a higher level. Modularization comprises subdividing the problem into manageable parts each of which interacts in well-defined ways into the overall project.

Strings and their methods

Here we focus on the String class and investigate, through its methods, the types of operations we can do on a String.

Miscellaneous Items

Here we will cover some miscellaneous items such as static variables, static methods, Javadoc comments, debugger and compound assignment statements.

Collections classes and control flow

We now introduce collection classes and control flow techniques to traverse such collections. Specifically we examine the ArrayList class and how to use the class to manage and manipulate data.

Menu Driven Systems

We will look at adding a menu to the Shop project that we explored in labs. New concepts include sentinel-based loops, switch statements and the Scanner class.

Test Fixtures

We will look at speeding up the testing of our Shop app by using JUnit Test Fixtures.


We will learn how to incorporate the CheckStyle functionality into BlueJ. This will help us to write code that compiles 100% to Java's coding standards.


Begin exploring the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE). We will also look at the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the main method.

CRUD Process

We will introduce you to the Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) Process.

Introduction to XML

We will introduce you to XML and show you how to serialize objects from Java to an XML file and read them back into your Java program.

Exception Handling

We will show you, by using try and catch blocks, how to stop your program from crashing when invalid user input is entered.

Primitive Arrays

We explore the concept of primitive arrays and iterating over its elements using for, for-each and specific types of while loops.

Tech Support System V1

We will start developing a simple console-based tech support system that will always respond with the phrase "That sounds interesting. Tell me more...".

Tech Support System V2

We will continue developing the simple console-based tech support system. However, in this version, we will have more meaningful, randomised responses for the user.

Tech Support System V3

We will continue evolving the simple console-based tech support system. However, in this version, we will reply to the user with a context sensitive response, based on their input.


We will start investigating inheritance which is one of the key principles in Object Oriented programming.

Exploring Polymorphism

We will continue looking at inheritance and cover polymorphism, overriding and dynamic method lookup.

Packages, Utilities and Parsing

We will look at structuring our apps using packages and re-usable utilities. We will also look at using Wrapper classes to parse String input as a specific type.

Problem-based Learning

We will introduce a different approach to learning, called Problem-based Learning (PBL).

Assignment 1

We will introduce the board game, Hare and Tortoise, that you will build for your assignment.


We will start implementing abstraction in our inheritance hierarchy for the Network system.

Test Driven Development (TDD)

We will introduce the concept of TDD, Unit Testing and the JUnit Framework.

JUnit and

We will demonstrate how to use the JUnit Framework to test

JUnit Terminology

Having tested using the JUnit Framework, we will now cover the terminology used in this process (assertions, annotations and fixtures).

Planning Testing

Here we will cover the Four Phase Test and present a more complicated JUnit test.

Completing DVD app testing

Here we will review the class and develop JUnit tests for more classes in the DVD app.

Abstraction Recap

We will do a recap of abstract classes and methods.

Deadly Diamond of Death

By examining the Deadly Diamond of Death, we will reason why Java does not allow Multiple Inheritance.

Introduction to Interfaces

We will introduce the concept of Interfaces, discuss their syntax and provide a simple example.

More on Interfaces

We will delve deeper into Interfaces by using predefined Interfaces in our programs and also writing our own Interfaces.

Assignment 3

The specification for Assignment 3 (worth 40% of your grade for this semester).