
Move the playlist model into the database. Prime the database from a YAML file. Modify the Model classes to work with this database. Render the models from the database.

Exercise Solutions

Exercise 3: Add a new playlist

Extend your version of the app to contain a new playlist - make up some songs. Verify that they are rendered as expected.



    Song s7 = new Song ("Opus 34: Six variations on a theme in F major", "Beethoven");
    Song s8 = new Song ("Opus 120: Thirty-three variations on a waltz by Diabelli in C major", "Beethoven");
    Playlist p3 = new Playlist("Beethoven Variations");
    p3.songs.add (s7);
    p3.songs.add (s8);

Exercise 4: New Fields

Extend the playlist to have new entry called duration. Also, extend each song to also have a duration field + a genre field. Change the constructor to initialise these fields.


package models;

public class Song
  public String title;
  public String artist;
  public int duration;

  public Song(String title, String artist, int duration)
    this.title = title;
    this.artist = artist;
    this.duration = duration;


package models;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Playlist
  public String title;
  public List<Song> songs = new ArrayList<Song>();
  public int duration;

  public Playlist(String title, int duration)
    this.title = title;
    this.duration = duration;


    Song s1 = new Song("Piano Sonata No. 3", "Beethoven", 5);
    Song s2 = new Song("Piano Sonata No. 7", "Beethoven", 6);
    Song s3 = new Song("Piano Sonata No. 10", "Beethoven",8 );
    Playlist p1 = new Playlist("Beethoven Sonatas", 19);
    p1.songs.add (s1);
    p1.songs.add (s2);
    p1.songs.add (s3);

    Song s4 = new Song("Piano Concerto No. 1", "Beethoven", 8);
    Song s5 = new Song("Piano Concerto No. 12", "Beethoven", 12);
    Song s6 = new Song("Piano Concerto No. 23", "Beethoven", 23);
    Playlist p2 = new Playlist("Beethoven Concertos", 43);
    p2.songs.add (s4);
    p2.songs.add (s5);
    p2.songs.add (s6);

    Song s7 = new Song ("Opus 34: Six variations on a theme in F major", "Beethoven", 12);
    Song s8 = new Song ("Opus 120: Thirty-three variations on a waltz by Diabelli in C major", "Beethoven", 14);
    Playlist p3 = new Playlist("Beethoven Variations", 26);
    p3.songs.add (s7);
    p3.songs.add (s8);

Modify the dashboard view to display these new fields.

Exercise 5: Extend Views


#{extends 'main.html' /}
#{set title:'Dashboard' /}

#{menu id:"dashboard"/}

#{list items:playlists, as:'playlist'}
  <section class="ui segment">
    <h2 class="ui header">
    Total Duration: ${playlist.duration}
    #{listsongs playlist:playlist/}


<table class="ui fixed table">
    #{list items:_playlist.songs, as:'song'}

Extend the following views:

  • Welcome: Extend the welcome view to contain a more detailed outline of the purpose of the application
  • About: Extend the about view to provide contact details (may be fictitious) for the author/company that created the app.


#{extends 'main.html' /}
#{set title:'About' /}

#{menu id:"about"/}

<section class="ui center aligned middle aligned segment">
    A Little Playlist Maker - Version 1. Prepared by Playlist Solutions, Playlist Mansions, PlaylistTown.



#{extends 'main.html' /}
#{set title:'Start' /}

#{menu id:"start"/}

<section class="ui center aligned middle aligned segment">
  <h1 class="ui header">
    Welcome to Playlist 1
    A small app to let you compose playlists. This app will allow you to create, manage and share your playlists. Simple enter the playlist details one the dashboard.


Create a new file in the conf folder called data.yml. Here are its contents:


  title: Piano Sonata No. 3
  artist: Beethoven
  duration: 5
  title: Piano Sonata No. 7
  artist: Beethoven
  duration: 6
  title: Piano Sonata No. 10
  artist: Beethoven
  duration: 8  
  title: Piano Concerto No. 27
  artist: Beethoven
  duration: 8
  title: Piano Concertos No. 17
  artist: Beethoven
  title: Piano Concerto No. 10
  artist: Beethoven
  duration: 12    

  title: Bethoven Sonatas
  duration: 19
  - s1
  - s2
  - s3

  title: Bethoven Concertos
  duration: 23
  - s4
  - s5
  - s6

This is a YAML file - a notation for describing configuration data and structure information:

We will use this to describe initial values for our model objects.


Revise the Model classes, by changing the structure of both model classes:


package models;

import javax.persistence.Entity;

import play.db.jpa.Model;

public class Song extends Model
  public String title;
  public String artist;
  public int duration;

  public Song(String title, String artist, int duration)
    this.title = title;
    this.artist = artist;
    this.duration = duration;


package models;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.OneToMany;

import play.db.jpa.Model;

public class Playlist extends Model
  public String title;
  @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
  public List<Song> songs = new ArrayList<Song>();
  public int duration;

  public Playlist(String title, int duration)
    this.title = title;
    this.duration = duration;

Now modify dashboard.java - removing all of the playlists + songs:


//    Song s1 = new Song("Piano Sonata No. 3", "Beethoven", 5);
//    Song s2 = new Song("Piano Sonata No. 7", "Beethoven", 6);
//    Song s3 = new Song("Piano Sonata No. 10", "Beethoven",8 );
//    Playlist p1 = new Playlist("Beethoven Sonatas", 19);
//    p1.songs.add (s1);
//    p1.songs.add (s2);
//    p1.songs.add (s3);
//    Song s4 = new Song("Piano Concerto No. 1", "Beethoven", 8);
//    Song s5 = new Song("Piano Concerto No. 12", "Beethoven", 12);
//    Song s6 = new Song("Piano Concerto No. 23", "Beethoven", 23);
//    Playlist p2 = new Playlist("Beethoven Concertos", 43);
//    p2.songs.add (s4);
//    p2.songs.add (s5);
//    p2.songs.add (s6);
//    Song s7 = new Song ("Opus 34: Six variations on a theme in F major", "Beethoven", 12);
//    Song s8 = new Song ("Opus 120: Thirty-three variations on a waltz by Diabelli in C major", "Beethoven", 14);
//    Playlist p3 = new Playlist("Beethoven Variations", 26);
//    p3.songs.add (s7);
//    p3.songs.add (s8);
//    List<Playlist> playlists = new ArrayList<Playlist>();
//    playlists.add(p1);
//    playlists.add(p2);
//    playlists.add(p3);

    render ("dashboard.html");

Make sure the app is running - you may need to restart to make sure...


Create a new class in the app package:

import java.util.List;

import play.*;
import play.jobs.*;
import play.test.*;

import models.*;

public class Bootstrap extends Job 
  public void doJob()

Creating this class will involve the following Eclipse dialog:

The new class will look like this in the project.

Restart the project - and visit the Dashboard view. You should see the playlists in data.yml rendered to the view:

Keep a close eye on the console as you do this - you should see something like this:

~ Server is up and running
07:03:04,700 INFO  ~ Connected to jdbc:h2:mem:play;MODE=MYSQL for default
07:03:05,330 INFO  ~ HHH000262: Table not found: Playlist
07:03:05,332 INFO  ~ HHH000262: Table not found: Playlist_Song
07:03:05,333 INFO  ~ HHH000262: Table not found: Song
07:03:05,334 INFO  ~ HHH000262: Table not found: Playlist
07:03:05,335 INFO  ~ HHH000262: Table not found: Playlist_Song
07:03:05,336 INFO  ~ HHH000262: Table not found: Song
07:03:05,338 INFO  ~ HHH000262: Table not found: Playlist
07:03:05,339 INFO  ~ HHH000262: Table not found: Playlist_Song
07:03:05,341 INFO  ~ HHH000262: Table not found: Song
07:03:05,413 INFO  ~ Application 'playlist' is now started !
07:03:06,375 INFO  ~ Rendering Dashboard
07:03:11,064 INFO  ~ Rendering about
07:03:12,094 INFO  ~ Rendering Dashboard

The 'Rendering' messages are familiar - but we have a series of new 'Table on found' messages. We will will see the significance of these shortly.

To display the playlist from the database - here is a revised version of the dashboard controller:


package controllers;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import models.Playlist;
import models.Song;
import play.Logger;
import play.mvc.Controller;

public class Dashboard extends Controller
  public static void index() 
    Logger.info("Rendering Admin");

    List<Playlist> playlists = Playlist.findAll();
    render ("dashboard.html", playlists);


With your application still running - visit the following url:

This should display this panel:

Press Connect

This is a control panel for the database our application is using. This databases is 'transient' - only containing values while it is running. When the application is terminated, the database is wiped.

However, it is a complete Relational Database - comparable to a paired done version of the Oracale database you may be using.

Select 'song' in the panel in the left - and the press the fgreen 'play' button:

This has queried the play table - and displayed the full contents.

Try inspecting the other tables:

Can you make sense of these tables - and relate them to the Java model classes? In particular, can you see the role of the playlist_song table? Inspect the contents closely, paying attention to the IDs.


Exercise 1: Download and Rename Sample Solution

A complete version of the app as it should be at the end of this lab:

However, if you already have a project called 'playlist' in your workspace, then you may not be able to import it into eclipse. So, first rename the project to playlist-2 (covered in step 1), and then run this command:

play eclipsify

... and then import into eclipse.

You may skip this step if you are happy with your own solution.

Exercise 2: New Playlist

Working only in the data.yml, create a new Playlist. If this works correctly, you should see the playlist in the dashboard just by restarting the application.

Exercise 3: Admin Panel

This is a challenging exercise - but the hints provide most of what you need.

Problem: We would like an 'admin' interface to the application, which displays all the songs in the database - ignoring the playlists they belong to for the moment. The view should also display the IDs of the songs:

This is a 'hidden' view, that does not appear in the menu. It is accessed by browsing directly to:


You will need a new route:

GET     /admin                                  Admin.index

... and a matching controller + view:

Admin Controller

package controllers;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import models.Playlist;
import models.Song;
import play.Logger;
import play.mvc.Controller;

public class Admin extends Controller
  public static void index() 
    Logger.info("Rendering Admin");

    // TODO - get list of all songs, and send them to the view
    render ("admin.html");

Admin view

#{extends 'main.html' /}
#{set title:'Dashboard' /}

#{menu id:"admin"/}

  <section class="ui segment">
  <h2 class="ui header">
    All Known Songs in the Database:
  <table class="ui fixed table">
        <th>ID </th>

      // TODO Iterate through a list of songs and populate rows in the table.


Even more Hints!

How to read all songs form the Songs table:

    List<Song> songs = Song.findAll();

How to iterate through a list of songs:

      #{list items:songs, as:'song'}

How to get the songs from the controller to the view:

  render("admin.html", songs);