This is a set of course material for the ICT Skills Higher Diploma in Computer Science as delivered in 2016/17 in Waterford Institute of Technology. It will give you a detailed snapshot of the programme as it includes all lecture slide, lab materials, handouts, assignment specifications and exercises for most of the modules as delivered to the students who undertook the programme in that year.
The courses is structured into 4 chronological segments:
- Semester 1
- Summer School
- Semester 2
- Work Placement Project
Each of these are explored below. The induction slides on the right provide a general overview of the schedule for the full time version of the course. The course is subject to revision every year, but this site will give you a comprehensive feel for the structure and range of the programme.
The objective of this module is to provide a basic introduction to the Java language. The course assumes no prior programming experience, begins at a slow pace with simple concepts but progressively adds more complex topics.
Uncover the basics components a web page, learn the fundamental of structure of the HyperText Markup Language (HTML), the role Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Transition from exploring the construction of Web Sites to full Web Applications in Java.
We will examine data communication concepts, network protocols and models. We will explore the different types of data that use computer networks and how that data is transmitted across the network. We will also design and implement a network using IP addressing through the process of subnetting.
Data surrounds us, we generate it in our daily lives, businesses generate in their transactions, we consume it online, in stores, using our "swipe cards". How it is stored is essential for the safe, consistent, accurate and timely use of the data. Database design is an important task in any data project.
An outline of the Summer School programme, venue and schedule
A short course exploring Javascript Web Application development using the Glitch service. The course will introduce the fundamentals of javascript and use this knowledge to learn the fundamentals of Web Applications in Node and Express.
A selection of workshops on modern software engineering tools and techniques, including Git & Github, Agile Methods, Containerisation and the MEAN stack.
A series of talks from our industry partners on interesting aspects of their work, organizations and emerging technologies.
Explore modern enterprise application development using the Node.js. Learn the Hapi and Aurelia frameworks to build robust, secure, testable and scalable applications and services.
A comprehensive introduction to developing modern Android Applications covering the skills required to construct efficient and reliable android applications of moderately complexity. We assume an intermediate level in Java.